Get Support
Please contact UNM IT Customer Support Services at (505) 277-5757. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., except during University Holidays.
The Canvas Hotline provides 24x7 support for students with technical questions related to their online courses.
To report an IT related system emergency or outage after hours, please call (505) 277-5757 and follow the prompts to leave a message for the after-hours coordinator. Please check the IT Availability Schedule and IT Alerts websites before calling.

Troubleshooting and technical support for laptops for persons with any UNM affiliation is available at the Lobo BrainBar.
Technical advice for creative projects can be found at the Adobe Creative Commons support desk, adjacent to the Lobo Brain Bar.

The Help.UNM portal is UNM IT's self-service portal where you can submit requests for services and report issues 24 hours a day. You will be required to log in with your UNM Netid and password.

Self-Help Options
FastInfo is your first stop for answers about UNM. FastInfo is UNM’s knowledge base that allows you to search answers to common questions. Visit FastInfo.
If you need to reset your NetID visit NetID / Password Reset.
Visit CanvasInfo for Canvas support and information.
Visit for virtual meeting support.

Get To Know Your ITO
Many departments have local IT staff with specialized knowledge about departmental needs and resources.
- Jo Kinnard — ISS IT Officer (Facilities, Auxiliaries)
- ISS IT Staff Webpage
- ISS Departments
- Sean Smock, IT Officer
- Anderson Technology
College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences includes University Libraries, UNM Press, and Organization, Information & Learning Sciences.
Library IT Services provides Workstation Management, User Support, Application and Web Development, and Systems Management for the College. We support multiple learning spaces for students in the branches, the Math MaLL, student laptop checkout, and multiple custom websites and applications used to support the educational mission of the university.
- Kathleen Garcia, Manager IT Services
- Karl Benedict, Director, Research Data Services & IT Services
- Carree Connelly — IT Officer
- Submit Request
Athletics staff should contact the IT service desk at (505) 277-5757 or Help.UNM to submit a request for support or to report a problem.
- John Reindorp — ISS IT Officer (Auxiliaries)
- Eric Castillo — IT Officer
UNM Law School and associated centers in Bratton Hall and the New Mexico Law Center.
Law IT staff consist of a systems administrator, endpoint/security and client support supervisor, student IT staff, and IT manager. Any UNM employee or student with a UNM Law related request should contact for assistance.
UNM Law IT staff support academic technologies as well as the various centers and programs of the School of Law, and also its full-time experiential programs.
The COEHS Center for Student Success.
Servicing the University's Financial Services Division, Human Resources Division, Graduate Studies, Internal Audit and Office of Contract Archeology.
- Jennie Wong — IT Officer
- Business Center IT
- Walter Winegar-Valdez — IT Officer
- Service Catalog
- Submit a Service Request
Servicing The College of Fine Arts and its departments; Art, Music, Theatre & Dance, Film and Digital Arts, The University of New Mexico Art Museum, and the Tamarind Institute.
Description of Services: Workstation management support of all CFA purchased computers, classroom support for rooms that have technology occupied in the space that is not centrally managed by UNM IT, technology purchasing for the entire college, specialized lab support, technology consultation.
- Brian Kimura — IT Officer
- Submit a Request
- Grace Faustino — IT Officer
- Submit a Request
Welcome to the School of Engineering! My name is Benjamin Murray. I am the IT Officer for this amazing School. The School of Engineering consists of several main departments, as well as multiple centers and research groups.
Please click the link below for more information on our School.
School of Engineering | The University of New Mexico (
A little about me:
IT questions in Engineering? Meet our problem-solver, Benjamin Murray :: School of Engineering | The University of New Mexico (
To place a service request please call (505) 277-5757, or go to Service Desk (
More Support Options at UNM
- North Campus support
- Health System (UNM Clinical Care) - UNMH Help Desk
- Health Sciences (UNM Academics and Research) - HSC Technology Services
- Teaching and Learning Support
- The Center for Teaching and Learning provides student tutoring, writing help, learning strategies workshops, and faculty development resources.
- The Library's subject librarians provide support for research and electronic resources that can supplement course content.
- UNM’s Open Educational Resources project can help you decrease the cost of textbooks for students.
- The Library provides a wide range of instruction support services including online tutorials, digital learning objects, and support for adding reserves to online class environments.
- At the Health Sciences Center, the Office of Medical Educator Development (OMED) guides and supports the professional development and advancement of medical educators in the UNM School of Medicine.