Rights and Responsibilities

Acceptable Computer Use
By accessing UNM systems, users agree to comply with all UNM policies, including, but not limited to UNM’s Acceptable Computer Use policy (2500) and UNM’s Computer Security Controls and Access to Sensitive and Protected Information policy (2520).
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
UNM is committed to protecting the privacy of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that it collects in order to provide services in accordance with UNM’s privacy statement. More information about what PII is and how UNM protects PII can be found at Privacy.UNM.

The UNM Copyright Resource guide is designed as a basic informational resource for the University of New Mexico community. It is not a substitute for legal advice. Instead, it provides a framework for understanding and working with legal issues, including lawfully using and sharing copyrighted works, as well as protecting our own creative works.
Academic Integrity
Student users of UNM systems certify that they are authorized by UNM to use the NetID, password, and/ or other authentication credentials to access those systems. Students further certify that they understand the prohibited actions as described in UNM’s Academic Dishonesty policy and that any violations of this policy may be charged under the Student Code of Conduct in accordance the Student Grievance Procedure, all of which can be found in The Pathfinder (UNM Student Handbook).

Protecting privacy and confidentiality of UNM records and research requires information security awareness and vigilance by all students, faculty, and staff.
The Information Security & Privacy Office (ISPO) is responsible for the development and maintenance of the University’s Information Security Program, and providing institution-wide, platform independent professional services.