Design Guidelines & Specifications

NOTE: These design guidelines shall not be used as the final specification or bid document for any specific new or renovation project. These documents are the basis in a process of collaboration between the architect/designer, engineer, contractor, the occupant, and the University of New Mexico's Facilities and Real Estate Management and the Information Technologies organization.

Detailed and specific requirements for a project will depend on the programmatic use of the space(s) developed during the project formulation and design phases of the project.

As result of these efforts, a bid-quality document containing commonly accepted and standard industry language shall be provided to the project.

The user of these design guidelines and guide specifications is responsible to read theForewordandCommunications - Generalsections of these documents and use the documents as prescribed.

Any questions concerning these documents should be addressed to the Information Technologies Facilities and Engineering Manager at (505) 277.0111.

Design Guidelines & Specifications Documents

All documents are PDF files unless otherwise noted.